Sunday, April 25, 2010

What A Great Birthday

My Birthday is still a few days away, but my babysitters are leaving town tomorrow so husband and I had to take advantage of them before they left (which they throughly enjoy)

Friday Ryan spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa, while Elise got to spend some much needed Mommy/Daddy alone time. The three of us ate dinner at Olive Garden, seeing as though it is normally her VERY fussy time, we thought a family friendly place was needed. To our amazement she slept the whole time happily in my arms! She just was tired of her loud big brother.

Saturday Elise, Mike and I had a very leisurely breakfast out and then we picked up Ryan. Mike and I then went to see "Alice in wonderland" in 3D. It was really awesome!! Finally a Disney movie with a female character I can get behind!! No "Princess" waiting around to get "saved" by some guy...Alice was a girl who found out she could make choices for herself without doing what others thought she should in both real life and wonderland. AND it was the girl who saved everyone by slaying the big bad monster. Again-Finally a movie I can endorse as good for a little girl, or boy to watch. Yay-go girls...No Sissy Girl for me :0)
After that Mike and I enjoyed a few adult beverages, just the two of us for the first time in I couldn't even tell you how long!!!

Mike also let me guess my birthday gift, which I did successfully!! Go Me!!
So I am getting (it arrives Monday) a new Camera!! Something I have been wanting since Ryan has been born. The catch was I wanted a REALLY nice camera. So I got a fancy Sony SLR which will let me take the amazing photos I want to take! No more missing the cute baby moments that you only get a split second to capture, which was impossible with the stupid point and shoot I had. It was SO slow I barely could get a pic of Ryan at all!!

So Sunday is here and we are enjoying an awesome day around the house...just the four of us and it feels great!!

Little Miss Elise is doing so much better now that her Reflux meds have kicked in and I have also quit coffee wasn't the caffeine, but the acidic coffee that was also making her tummy upset. Oh how I will miss it...but it is not forever and I would rather have my little peanut feel good instead of enjoy my favorite beverage in the world!

1 comment:

diana blom said...

So glad to hear Elise is better. Sounds like Mike did make your B Day special. I knew he would. Can't wait to see pictures w/the new camera...I will call you on Thurs. Love ya, Mom oxoxo