Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been a long time and I am feeling chatty

So much has changed since I last checked in...I honestly don't think I have the time to catch up!

It was funny because today I was asked by my very pregnant neighbor for some advice and was given a post card to write it on.  I thought to myself, there is just not NEARLY enough space to share all the things I have learned over the last two years of being a mom.  Obviously she doesn't want to hear it all, but it got me to thinking...what have I learned and what advice do I have to give?  So here it goes, thought I would jot it all down here to share with everyone...maybe if you are willing you can share some back in the comments...I always feel like learning something new that I don't know :0)

  • Children are amazing!  I know we all know that, but there is honestly no way to explain it fully until you have experienced it.  They grow and learn at an astronomical pace that would leave my brain turned to complete mush, yet they do it with a giggle and a smile.
  • Babies can have health issues and it SUCKS!!!  No one tells you that even though you have a healthy baby you may spend the next few months trying to figure out why they are in so much pain and why they are crying so much and why you can't just make it all better.  If this happens to you-call, write, or text me...I most likely have a solution seeing as though I have been blessed not once, but twice with babies who are miserable!
  • Onesies can go on from the bottom up...wish someone would have told that to me with #1.  Took me until #2 to figure that out...explosive poo is much easier to deal with when all you have to do is pull the dumb thing down over their shoulders instead of running poo up their back..duh!!
  • If you happen to be blessed with diaper rash...skip the wipes and just run their bottom under running water and use your hand to clean them off.  The mix of the chemicals in wipes and the abrasive nature of wiping will make it worse instantly!  After the clear water bidet of the baby sort, blot dry with a soft towel and you should be clear in a very short period of time. 
  • A happy baby is a happy mom.  I know there is much discussion about getting enough "ME" time and I 100% agree with doing things for yourself. In this case I mean sometimes you need to take a step back and not do what you want to do but do what your child needs.  Let me give an example.  Ryan now being the big 2 year old he is sometimes gets a second wind and has a hard time falling asleep.  It is maddening!!  It in fact makes my blood boil and takes every ounce of restraint I have not to strangle the little bugger and pin him to the bed...but that just would not be nice...Instead I do a little of the deep breathing you have all learned so much about and then I sit on the floor next to his bed saying nothing while he giggles and sucks his paci.  I do not engage at all with him and in fact to keep myself from screaming "JUST GO TO SLEEP" I meditate.  After only about 10-15min he is dead out like a light!  Now I have tried many things  to get to this point.  Frequently it involved going in and out of his room and yelling "Sleep Now!!" which of course was fruitless.  Now you may be thinking I am off the point, but here it is...instead of getting back to what I wanted to be doing, I take the 10min to give him what he needs.  This in the end gets me what I need...a child who is cooperating, which in the end is all moms really want anyhow isn't it?
  • I think it should be mandatory for all husbands/partners/family or anyone else who will be spending a lot of time with you after you have your baby, to be educated on Post Partum Depression.  I think right along with learning to breathe through labor, they should educated on signs and symptoms because my friends it is evil...way worse than you could ever imagine!  Sadly most women suffer in silence and their partners are clueless as to what is going on.  It is unfair to everyone involved to have to live through it without knowing it is happening to them.  I have found by the time you figure out you have it, it has been a long time since it started and there probably is already colateral damage.  Inform yourself ahead of can rear its ugly head in many ugly ways.  And don't think you are less of a mom because you need fact, if you are scared to get help because you don't want anyone to know you are struggling, then you really need help and that is ok.
  • Having two babies in 12months is nuts!!!!  I don't think I have to go into detail there...but I would not have it any other way.
  • Stay positive.  That is oh so hard, but like the old saying goes "You catch more flies with sugar than vinegar"  The same holds true with toddlers.  If you find yourself saying "No" or "Stop" or any other negative word more than you are saying anything else, chances are you have a child who will challenge you non-stop.  How would you like it if everything you touched or said was negated??  You would hate the world and lash out every chance you got too!!  You would mostly likely call your boss and F-ing jerk and vow to make his life hell!  Welcome to your toddlers world.  Is it really that bad if they drop their food on the floor for the 321st time?  Invite them to clean up with you and you will find a lot less things are spilled and if they are you will be pleasantly surprised when you hear "Mommy I need a cloth" and they wipe up their own milk spill.  I'm not talking about letting your child live Lord Of The Flies in your house, in fact I am as far from permissive as you could get.  Just change how you get them to do what you want.  I had many years training getting Surgeons to do what I wanted them to do with them thinking it was their idea, so I have a little practice.  If you need suggestions, I am more than willing to share, again..just ask me :o)
I could go on and on, but I think that is the important stuff...I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.

Oh yeah...Pampers rule and getting them from Amazon saves loads of money :o)

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