Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We are back on Prevacid, and my baby is happy again

It has been a tough month and a half.  Elise just has not been the same since September 6 and I have come to realize it has been since I weaned her off her PPI.  So, back on it we are!!

She already today has had better sleep and she is having a much easier time being awake.

That little bean is threatening to crawl on me and I can not believe it!!  Today she had her legs under her hips kind of scooting on her face.  I think I will have a moving baby within a month at the longest!  Crazy to think that I will never have a non-moving child in my life ever again.

As each milestone passes, it just seems like it is a blur.  I waited sooooo long to have babies and now my babies will not be babies anymore.  Ryan is already a toddler.  There is barely anything baby left about him. He even looks like a little man.

I sometimes feel jipped because I really have never got to enjoy a snuggly little newborn who spends hours on end happily sleeping in my arms.  But it was meant to be my lot in life to have two very high needs babies who needed to be held, but for the reason that they were crying messes.  I honestly feel though that has made them more snuggly and loving now.  Elise has been giving big mouth kisses for over a month now and she is already reciprocating head hugs by snuggling into my neck.  And where to start with Ryan!!  That child just wants to hug and kiss and be close with us all the time.  That includes Elise!  He is so good about getting on the floor with her and snuggling. He puts his head in her lap while she is sitting and she bends her drooly head down and gives him BIG kisses and he LOVES it!!  I swear they can have a lovefest for two straight minutes on the floor!  It is awesome to have such love in my house.  It makes me feel like I am doing something right if my children are showing that much tenderness.  Let's hope it continues!

School is going great..not much to report there.  Ryan pretty much runs around like a madman and Elise has all the other moms wrapped around her finger.  They are all under the delusion I have perfect children who never misbehave and never cry.  Amazing how my children act in public!!

I think most of you know we have rehomed Klaus.  It was a difficult decision, but it has turned out to be the best decision for both Klaus and us.  We had him back for the weekend and it was pretty clear he was not as happy to be here.  It made me feel better about the decision because I now know this is the choice he would have made himself.

Well, not much more to say right now...although we may have some exciting news to report soon!  How's that for a cliffhanger!

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