Monday, August 2, 2010

Swimming Lessons HOORAY!!!!!

After an exciting weekend of visitors, we started our week off by getting into a pool at 1000am!!

Ryan and I are taking a Aqua Tots swim class and it is pretty cool. It's the first thing Ryan and I have gotten to do just the two of us in a very long time.

Ryan LOVES his bath almost more than any other part of the day so I was excited and also nervous for us. I really wanted him to like it, but a pool is very different than a bathtub. We started slow. I walked in and it was a heated salt water pool, so that was a plus. But right away Ryan was not super thrilled with the idea of nothing below him.

So back to the step we went. I just left Ry sitting on my lap until he got a little more time to watch the other kids play. I slowly dropped down a step so he was more in the water. Then we just started walking toward the other kids. It was a slow go, but he was not crying so I thought bonus! We sang songs and mostly I just held him in front of me telling him "Mommy is here, it will be ok. I'm not leaving you"

He was getting more ok with it, and then...the buckets came out!!!! Ryan was the hit from that point on!! You see, dumping water on his head is his specialty!! From that point on he splashed and let me float him and he even jumped to me in the water!! Remember this is day 1 of an 8 day session.

I think he had a good time and will be super excited when he sees the pool tomorrow.

Little Miss Elise got to stay home with Grandma Mertel...who she promptly charmed into taking her out of her crib to play...that little girl will be dangerous in the future!!

In other big news...Ryan got his first molar to pop through yesterday!! The bottom one will be soon to follow...his poor gums are so swollen. But he is handling it like a champ.

I have decided to hone in my grilling skills. On Friday, we had our neighbors over for ribs that I slow cooked over indirect heat for 4 hours. Saturday date night (on the deck) was cedar planked salmon, and yesterday we had friends over for some tri-tip. All in all I am becoming quite the outdoor chef.

Busy weekend and now a busy week...before I know it my babes will be 10 years old!!!

1 comment:

Erin Arena said...

Sounds like a fun class...take pics (if that's possible while in the pool, but I somehow doubt it)! I want to do a class with Danny, but think I will wait until he's a little older so he will enjoy it like his cousin does!