Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last day of swim lessons...good thing? Let's discuss

Well, the big finally was today. After two wonderful weeks of getting into the pool at 10:00am with the average temp. outside being around...oh I don't know 58 degrees...Swim Lessons have come to an end.

I am trying to decide how I feel about this. It was cold, it was chaotic getting things ready before and after, Ryan really just clung to me to keep the hypothermia at bay (except for that one day when it was freakin' awesome out), and it was hard lining up childminders for Elise for two weeks in a row.

In the end though, I decided it was the best idea I had had in a long time. The alone time Ryan and I had for those 8 days was something we both needed. For awhile Ryan has needed to look to other people a lot for some of the attention he would normally get from me if I did not have a tiny baby to look after. We have reconnected and I again have moved to the center of everything good in his world.

This does come with a tiny downside...Separation Anxiety!! And boy does he get it bad now!! That has been the challenge because now I have to come up with a new way to get Elise down to her room and put her to sleep. Ryan can't be away from me for that long anymore, and that is a total bummer!!! But, we are even coming around on that...there always seems to be a way to work things out I have found. Good thing I am such a meticulous planner-my life would not even be possible if I wasn't blessed with a brain that goes through all possible outcomes of a situation in 2.2 seconds. I always found it to be a hassle and a mostly useless talent....until I had kids!!! Now I pray to God and thank him daily for the blessing he gave to me :0)

Little McPretty is not up to much. She sleeps awesome, she eats awesome, she rolls awesome, she plays happily awesome (??? I just think she is awesome), pretty much she is an Angel baby with a touch of touchiness and a hint of spirited...pretty much a perfect mix in my book!!

She has such a personality. Her happiness is contagious, her smile infectious (that dimple gets you every time), and those eyes...what can you say, they are sooo engaging it is hard to look away!! Pretty much, she is everything a mom could want in a daughter.

I have even been doing a little gardening. I do it at 830 or 900 at night, but I can still see the weeds and the flowers don't mind being planted at that time either.

Life is good to me and I am thankful for every day I am given...I have found my little bit of heaven on earth!!!

1 comment:

Erin Arena said...

Love hearing what's happening at the Mertel house :) Just wanted to let you know that your last post does not show up for me. I see it in my blog roll, but it does not come up :(