Thursday, August 11, 2011

This Post Will Not Be For Everyone

I started this Blog as a way to let my family and friends keep up with what my little guys are doing.  I often don't have much to say, so I don't feel compelled to keep it up.
I realized I had not really updated my family with what my kids are really up to.  They have changed so much since last year when my sisters got to see them in person.  In fact they have changed so dramatically since March which is the last time my parents have seen them, that I am not sure they would recognize them.

This post will be me being VERY self indulgent.  It will be all about how awesome my kids are :0)  I am going to talk about how smart they are, how cute they are, and all around just how unbelievable they are.

SO, if you have no interest in knowing that stuff-just skip this one...I won't mind.  This is by no means me saying my kids are better, smarter...ok well maybe I am just a bit...but honestly this is not meant to compare to anyone else's lovely children.  I think all kids are amazing in their own little way.  

In fact I absolutely try NOT to brag about my kids.  I am well aware that somewhere there are children who are smarter, cuter, and more athletic.  To me though, my kids are the best and you can't tell me otherwise!

Check back if you are through reading now...I won't have posts like this all the time!  I am going to try to do this linearly, but I am not sure that it will work out that way so bear with me.  Thanks

My Moo-  Where to start Ryan is  so great.  He is my builder/engineer already.

  • He loves to have a "Project" and when he is done he will stand back and look at it and say "Ahhh, finished" and then will play with it.
  • His balance is amazing for such a little guy. He already stands on one foot and goes like a mad man on his balance bike.  He has been skipping, jumping and hopping since before he was two.
  • He also loves to do somersaults.
  • He doesn't like to do things until he can do them all the way right.  For example; yesterday he sang the entire Rock A Bye Baby song for me.  I did not even know he knew any of the words AND he has never sang a single song to me before that.
  • He knows all of the alphabet by site and he will sing parts of the song..but again that falls under not until I know the whole thing I am sure.  
  • He knows all of his numbers 1-10 except he gets tripped up by Seven.  Six and nine are still in negotiations but he knows them as well.  He will count to eight but not if you are paying attention to him.  I think he can go further, but I can't prove it :P
  • He has a great vocabulary.  Last week his favorite thing to say was "Maybe..."  This week everything is "So Cool"
  • He is amazing and caring to his sister..when he is not pushing her down (eyes rolling here)  If she is crying and he did not cause it he will come and rub her back and give her a kiss.  Now if he caused the crying forget it!!
  • He has an amazing sense of humor.  Next time you see him ask him about being a grouch.  You will be asked for "Mud...True Mud"  followed by "I NEED mud!"  and if you are not aware of this, you need to watch more Sesame Street.  They do a parody of True Blood that is hysterical and he will pretty much do the whole shtick.
  • On second thought..don't bother asking.  He most likely won't talk to you.  The kid is an introvert.  If he is comfortable with you, he will talk your ear off.  If he isn't feeling you, forget it.  You will wonder if I should take him in for testing to make sure he is developing ok.
  • He loves tools and trucks and knows all the different types and what they are used for.  If that boy had a tool chest he would be in hog heaven!
  • His memory is impeccable.  He knows the way to many different places and if you are going one way and it is not toward where he wants to be going he will tell you "No Mommy!!  We need to go this way"
  • He is a good cook.  He loves to help me cook in the kitchen.  He will even try new things as long as he cooked them.  He will put it in his mouth and say "MMMMM good" as he makes a face like he is going to throw up!  (mostly due to the texture)
  • He potty trained in about a month, day and night, at about 25mo
  • He has a great imagination.  He can play trains for hours and have all sorts of things happen including one train saving another from something bad, like falling off the track.
There is so much more and this is just the stuff off the top of my head.  I am sure Mike will read this and and will add stuff if I forgot it in the comments.

Miss Bean- Elise...Oh My God, this girl is crazy!  She is crazy smart, crazy happy, crazy opinionated, just crazy over the top about everything.  My God is she happy!  If it wouldn't be for her brother trying to beat her up the girl would never cry...unless she is not getting her way of course!!  Then they hear her scream down the street!!  I think she seems the most different because she is at that age when so much changes.
  • She is talking in sentences already.  Her favorites right now are "What's this say?" "Milk in there?"  "What's that sound/noise?" It goes on and on.  
  • She is learning her letters and numbers.  When she sees writing on something she points and says "ABC's"  She can recognize some letters like A and E, but this is still earlier than Ryan did.  I think he had the alphabet figured out at 19or 20mo.
  • She does somersaults too!  She did her first at 15mo so I might have a little gymnast on my hands.
  • She can climb anything and everything.  Is this such a good thing??  I think not but she is still amazingly athletic and I guess that has to just go with it
  • She is the most loving child ever.  I am convinced it is because she insisted on being held for the first..wait a minute, she still insists on being held (eyes rolling again here)
  • Her exuberance and zeal are unmatched....did  I already mention the girl is happy??  As much as Ry is an introvert, this girl is extrovert. 
  • One of her favorite things is to be the welcoming committee any place we are.  I keep telling Mike she will be our Dr.  He keeps telling me she has too much personality for that and the truth is he is right.  This girl will definitely do well in an outgoing career.
  • She too is a blooming engineer though.  She is just as interested in how things work as Ryan is
  • She is a dirt girl which makes her mother infinitely happy!  The girl loves to help us work outside and garden YAY!! 
  • She loves to golf and ride bikes just like Ryan.
  • Actually let's just say she likes to do Anything  Ryan is doing sometimes to his pleasure, a lot of the times to his displeasure.
  • She too prefers to go on the potty, but mommy isn't always good about getting her there right away.  I think if I would commit to it she would be potty trained sooner than later.  I'm just not ready to put in the time just yet.  
So right now that is all I can think of to give you a snap shot of what we are up to.  If I think of anything else I will add it.

I really just can't believe most days that I have such amazing kids.  I can see the people they are going to grow to be and it is just an amazing journey to be a part of.  I am lucky that these are my children.  I pray to God daily and thank him for all he has blessed me with because I truly am blessed.  
I feel he made the last two years kind of hard so I can now appreciate what I have.  I somehow made it through 2009 and 2010 with about an ounce of sanity, but I can still say I have some sanity, so I guess that is all I can ask for.

Thanks again for indulging me.  I love these kids so much and I am just so proud of who they are as people.